If you’re looking for the best answers to questions regarding an IRS problem, who should you call?
1. The Local IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center
2. Your Accountant
3. A Qualified Attorney

If you answered “The Local IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center, you may be in for a rude awakening.  A qualified attorney is your very best choice in this situation.

In 2002, a study showed taxpayer assistance centers answer tax questions wrong 43% of the time. Between July and September 2002, the Department of the Treasury conducted a study where they had investigators posing as common taxpayers call IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers for help.

Here are their eye-opening results:
Auditors were given correct answers 57% of the time. 45% of the questions were answered correctly AND completely. 12% of the questions were answered correctly, but incomplete. Wrong answers were given 28% of the time. 12% of the time, questions were unanswered and taxpayers were told to do their own research. 3% of time, auditors could not get any assistance at all. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa was quoted at the time saying “''The IRS' failing grade here is unacceptable. It's especially discouraging that the IRS is often getting wrong basic answers to questions about the Earned Income Tax Credit and the child credit, which benefit low-income taxpayers.”

You Need Professional Help Especially If You’re In Trouble With The IRS. It’s ridiculous that a taxpayer might not be able to count on getting a right answer from the IRS regarding tax questions, especially considering that the IRS is the agency that is charged with the task of enforcing tax laws.

However, you may find yourself in a position where you’re already past the point of needing help with your tax returns. Filing tax returns may not be the issue. The issue for you is: Maybe you haven’t filed at all…perhaps for 2 or 3 years or more. Maybe you’ve filed but haven’t paid the tax - and the IRS is sending you letters that are increasing in frequency and the language regarding collection is getting sterner. Maybe you know that on previous tax returns that you withheld or falsified information and you’re afraid of what will happen when you get caught. Maybe you’ve reached the point where the IRS has already placed a lien on your property, and you’re concerned that the next step is for them to garnish your wages, raid your bank account, and/or seize your property.

If you’re in any of these positions, you need to speak with a qualified attorney as soon as humanly possible. Ask yourself…if the IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center cannot correctly answer simple tax questions more than 57% of the time, do you think that they are going to be able to answer a question about a complicated matter such as a lien on your property…the Statue of Limitations…bankruptcy...or other complicated legal matters? A qualified attorney is your very best choice in this situation.

If you need help with your tax problems call John the Tax Attorney today and schedule your free 30 minute consultation.   Call today 208-346-7765. 

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